In September 2017, amidst the bustling pulse of Grand Central Station, a celestial spectacle unfolded. For three nights, the iconic ceiling transformed into a luminous canvas, honoring 12 “Unseen Stars” – pioneering women in STEM. Their portraits, woven into constellations, danced across the arched expanse, a testament to their groundbreaking achievements. This immersive feat wasn’t just a light show; it was a call to young women to reach for the constellations themselves.
Andrew’s groundbreaking contribution to this award-winning “Balance The Equation” campaign was the live capture and global broadcast of the Unseen Stars projection at Grand Central Station. A custom VR camera rig, specifically designed for low-light and ultra-high resolution, captured every luminous detail of the ceiling projection. Cutting-edge software, meticulously calibrated for the complex geometry of the ceiling, stitched the multiple camera feeds into a flawless 360° panorama in real-time. Additionally, a robust, fully wireless high-definition signal path – the first of its kind in VR – was necessary for sufficient data transmission requiring its own design, assembly, and stress-testing. Ultimately, Andrew’s vision and technical expertise integrally transformed a local event into a globally recognized, important and impactful message.
General Electric, BBDO
Director, DP, Technical Director
For the overall campaign: